Overview of Programme

Here at Sun School Bali, we are a Primary School offering classes One through to Six.

 Our school is centered around Emotional Agency and Emotional Intelligence, inspiring children to grow into empowered teenagers and adults with access to skills that we believe are crucial to thriving in this new world, with all the advancements and challenges that our children are being presented with daily. 

We see the importance of instilling mindfulness, awareness and body wisdom from a young age, giving them tools to be the master of their minds and to be in harmony with their inner and outer environment. We believe this creates resilient, passionate, empowered changemakers that will positively shape the future generations to come.

We hope through our own embodiment and implementation of Emotional Agency and Emotional Intelligence procedures, that we create a faculty that is empowering children to learn how to best show up and communicate to their changing needs, desires, emotions and feelings. Learning to take responsibility for their actions and understanding their impacts. This prepares them with skills to navigate and thrive through experiences that they will encounter over their lifetime. We believe that having this influence during youth sets the foundation for a truly magnificent and empowered life, connected and in respect to self, others, community, nature, land and culture.  

We believe the revolution all starts in how we are raised.

Explore the Emotional Agency and Emotional Intelligence guidelines that our faculty uses as a way of conduct. These are points listed, are ways in which we work and live by, at Sun School Bali.

Sun School Bali’s Approach to Education

Waldorf Education is an educational approach that aims to nurture the innovative, creative, and intellectual development of children. Developed by Rudolf Steiner in the early 20th century, it emphasizes a balanced curriculum, hands-on learning, and a nurturing environment. Our Waldorf-inspired school incorporates these principles and more.

At Sun School Bali, we prioritize a child's individuality, creativity, and imagination, fostering a deep love for learning and promoting holistic growth. Our focus revolves around emotional intelligence and the concept of Tri Hita Karana as our main center point.

In our Waldorf-inspired school, teachers work to foster a nurturing and stimulating environment that cultivates students' critical thinking skills, emotional intelligence, and a deep respect for the arts and nature. We emphasize helping students become attuned to their own bodies and the natural world around them.

Explore more here about what we offer in terms of our Waldorf-Inspired style of teaching and education.

Foundational Teachings found at Sun School Bali

Creative Play Time:

(Class 1 + 2 only) This is a dynamic and imaginative period where students engage in open-ended activities, fostering self-expression, collaboration, and problem-solving through art, music, and play, promoting holistic development.

Language Arts:

Our comprehensive program goes beyond traditional teaching methods, encompassing activities such as reading, writing, and speech work. It focuses on developing emotional expression and unity, particularly through a daily morning gathering that instills a sense of harmony and support.


Our language program adopts a holistic and multidisciplinary approach, nurturing foundational skills in the Indonesian language. We emphasize the importance of learning this language to connect deeply with Bali and Indonesia's vibrant cultural heritage, fostering linguistic proficiency and cultural appreciation. By teaching the Indonesian language, we aim to instill a deep appreciation for the culture and a strong, heartfelt connection to the island as a true home.


Our mathematics program is crafted to be inclusive and well-rounded, aiming to provide students with a complete learning experience. Beyond traditional approaches, we emphasize practical applications, nurturing not just academic proficiency but also encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This approach ensures that students develop a comprehensive understanding of mathematics and appreciate its relevance and application in various aspects of life.


Our science program celebrates the innate curiosity of children and unfolds as an extraordinary exploration. We draw inspiration from the intelligent dance of nature. Through captivating lessons that transcend textbooks, our students not only grasp the intricacies of science but also embark on a thrilling journey of discovery, fostering a profound admiration for the captivating wonders that surround us in the natural world.

History & Geography:

Our history and geography program is a fascinating voyage through time and space. Beyond conventional lessons, we delve into the stories of civilizations and the intricacies of landscapes, offering students a dynamic and immersive experience. By intertwining historical narratives with the exploration of diverse geographical terrains, our program not only imparts knowledge but also cultivates a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of the world and the rich tapestry of human history.


Step into the world of Sun School Bali's Music program, where education becomes a harmonious journey. We uncover the intricate aspects of music, drawing inspiration from a wide range of genres. Through this immersive approach, students not only learn to play instruments and understand musical theory but also embark on a creative adventure, nurturing a lifelong connection to the enchanting world of music. In this segment of our program, you can expect the children of Sun School Bali to be creating unique and enriching educational melodies and compositions.


At Sun School Bali, our Art program is a canvas of possibilities, where creativity flourishes, self-expression thrives, and every artistic endeavor becomes a masterpiece in the making. A colorful world of imagination and creation distinctive to each child’s eye.


Our Movement segment within the curriculum emphasizes the importance of dance, yoga, and play as essential avenues for mindful and joyful embodiment. Our goal is to seamlessly integrate these practices to enhance not only physical agility but also mindfulness and a deep connection to the body. Through expressive movement, students develop confidence and nurture their overall well-being. In this dynamic journey, every movement represents a step towards self-expression and vibrant confidence.

Yoga & Yoga Nidra:

At Sun School Bali, we recognize the significance of holistic development, which includes nurturing both the mind and body. In our primary school setting, Yoga and Yoga Nidra are integrated into our class programs. In a playful and curious manner, we introduce these practices not only to promote physical fitness but also cultivate important skills such as spatial awareness, sensory integration, and motor skills essential for their overall growth and well-being. Additionally, Yoga Nidra sessions offer a unique opportunity for students to experience deep relaxation and rejuvenation, experiencing a sense of calmness and inner peace amidst their academic journey. We believe that this encourages children to see that Yoga is a state of mind, and we train ourselves to realize that the choice to choose inner calm is always available to us regardless of the outside chaos.

Experiential Learning:

(Class 4 + 5 + 6) Enriching field trips and experiential learning opportunities allow students to apply classroom knowledge to real-world settings, inviting a deeper understanding of their studies and encouraging a sense of curiosity and exploration. These hands-on experiences transform our students into explorers and adventurers, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Outdoor Education:

(Class 5 + 6) The bond with nature thrives in our Outdoor Education program at Sun School Bali, where outdoor activities, gardening, and nature studies lay the foundation. Students at various levels actively develop an ecological consciousness and a strong sense of environmental stewardship. Progressing through their academic journey, the connection to nature deepens, encouraging an expanding awareness and responsibility towards the environment.

In Outdoor Education, every experience serves as a lesson, nurturing a lifelong commitment to nature preservation through adventurous exploration. This philosophy is reflected in our wall-less buildings, designed to ensure that even when indoors, children remain intimately connected and curious about the magnificence of the natural world. Through experiential learning, this segment of Outdoor Education aims to bridge the gap between humans and nature, encouraging a harmonious coexistence. Explore our build here

We aim to tend to all the wholeness of the child in each stage of development, and establish educators that support this perspective of learning and educating as the child grows.

We provide a network of resources which we share with parents and work closely with therapists of all kinds that specialize in helping children navigate learning challenges, process trauma, and create safe environments to move through difficult situations.

Please see below for class groupings and corresponding ages. Please note that our cut off date to meet the minimum age for each class group is the 1st July, in line with the Indonesian Education Department requirements.

Our PRIMARY SCHOOL is divided into the following classes

  • Class 1: 5 -6 year olds

  • Class 2:  7- 8 year olds

  • Class 3:  8-9 year olds

  • Class 4: 9-10 year olds

  • Class 5: 10-11 year olds

  • Class 6: 11-12 year olds



Sun School Bali accepts applications for new enrolments throughout the school year.  Availability of class places is dependent upon current class sizes and individual student needs.