Ages 7-8 years old
Born between the dates:
By August 2024 your child needs to be 7 to enter class 2
Born between 1st July 2016- 30 June 2017

For Class 2 students, our program offers a nurturing environment where they are guided through a fulfilling day filled with exciting opportunities for learning and growth.

The day begins with a morning circle, providing a space for children to express their emotions, feelings, and thoughts. This daily ritual cultivates a sense of belonging, empathy, and emotional awareness, setting a supportive and harmonious tone for the day ahead. Outdoor activities and free play are incorporated into the schedule. Our dedicated educators prioritize nurturing the growing child's imagination and creativity.

In our structured and safe environment, second-grade students have the chance to both learn from their teachers and teach one another. Each day unfolds with a comforting rhythm, providing a sense of security and consistency essential for children's thriving. We recognize that young learners primarily absorb knowledge through imitation and play, allocating a significant portion of our program to outdoor experiences.

Our dedicated teachers focus on nurturing the imagination and creativity of these young minds through engaging activities like storytelling, music, outdoor play, and artistic endeavors. These activities lay the early foundations for academic skills. For instance, hands on activities help refine fine motor skills, puppetry enhances memory and language abilities, and nature walks boost large motor skills and spark scientific curiosity.


class 2 timetable sunschool bali

What does the day look like for Class 2

In our Sun School Class 2, we prioritize experiential learning over traditional academic activities. Let's explore some of these experiences and their significance:

Morning Circle

The day begins with a morning circle, providing a space for children to express their emotions, feelings, and thoughts. This daily ritual cultivates a sense of belonging, empathy, and emotional awareness, setting a supportive and harmonious tone for the day ahead. Outdoor activities and free play are incorporated into the schedule. Our dedicated educators prioritize nurturing the growing child's imagination and creativity.

Creative Play Time

In our classroom or outdoor spaces, there's an atmosphere of joyful engagement. We believe that play is essential work for children. The children are encouraged to engage in creative play using a variety of natural toys and materials.

This playtime offers valuable learning experiences:

  • Development of Imagination: Children have the freedom to let their imaginations soar during creative play, helping them become more creative thinkers.

  • Social Interaction: Interacting with their peers during playtime helps children develop important social skills and the ability to work harmoniously with others.

  • Problem Solving: Creative play presents opportunities for children to solve problems independently and collaborate with others.

  • Task Completion: Finishing tasks during playtime instills a sense of accomplishment and responsibility.

At Sun School Class 2, we believe that fostering creativity and a love of learning through hands-on experiences sets the stage for future academic success and personal growth.

In addition to our holistic approach to education, Sun School Class 2, offers a well-rounded curriculum that includes various subjects and multidisciplinary teaching methods to further enhance your child's learning experience:

Language Arts

We continue to employ multidisciplinary teaching methods. Second-grade students will develop reading and writing skills, explore rhyming words, and engage in speech work. These skills are taught through captivating stories that focus on the lives and experiences of indigenous people, fostering an appreciation for cultural diversity.


In our Indonesian lessons, your child will begin building a foundation in vocabulary and common language basics, including counting, animals, seasons, and months. We use storytelling and imitation, employing multidisciplinary teaching methods to make language learning engaging and interactive.


Second-grade students will be introduced to multiplication tables and will learn essential mathematical concepts such as process relations, carrying, and borrowing. We use multidisciplinary teaching methods to make these mathematical concepts come to life.


Our expanded nature studies are designed to kindle your child's curiosity about the natural world. Through activities like gardening, nature hikes, and cooking, students will gain a deeper understanding of the environment and its interconnectedness.

History & Geography

Native American stories, myths, and legends serve as a captivating gateway to local history and geography. Through these compelling narratives, children will gain insights into the rich heritage of our region.


Our music program continues to flourish. Students will continue their journey by exploring vocal  music songs that reflect themes from language arts and history. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures that music enhances their overall learning experience.


We encourage creativity and artistic expression through various mediums. In second grade, students will engage in more complex form drawing, continue their exploration of watercolor painting, and be introduced to crocheting. Modeling and hands-on creativity will continue to inspire their artistic talents.


We place great importance on physical activity and its role in development. Second-grade students enjoy outdoor movement classes, providing opportunities for free play and exercise. In our movement class, we focus on non-competitive games and activities that promote teamwork and physical fitness. With a large focus on yoga and mindfulness and dance. Additionally, our movement program enhances spatial awareness, sensory integration, and other motor skills vital for healthy development.

Yoga & Yoga Nidra

At Sun School Bali, we know it's important to take care of both our minds and bodies, especially when we're 7-8 years old. That's why we have Yoga and Yoga Nidra as a vital part of our class schedule.. We know that the movement and the postures, āsana, is only there as a way to connect with training the mind. Helping us learn how to create strong, resilient, stable, calm states of being. In this grade we are more focused on body exploration and how we feel versus how the shape looks. We learn about things like how to move our bodies in space and how to relax when we're learning new things. It’s all about having fun while taking care of ourselves.

At Sun School Class 2, we believe in nurturing the whole child, fostering intellectual, creative, and physical growth in an engaging and supportive environment. Our educational philosophy embraces a holistic approach that invites young minds into a realm where each day is a magical journey of discovery. Immerse your child in a nurturing environment that values not only academic excellence but also cultivates a sense of wonder and appreciation for the interconnectedness of knowledge and creativity.

We provide a foundation that sparks intellectual curiosity, encourages artistic expression, and instills a deep appreciation for the world. Our educational approach transcends traditional boundaries, fostering imagination and freedom in young minds. We are committed to nurturing the whole child, ensuring they develop into well-rounded individuals prepared for the world. Welcome to a place where education is an adventure, shaping the future through holistic growth.