
Going Beyond

Sustainability at Sun School Bali goes beyond simply reducing our ecological impact. It encompasses a holistic approach to education that is innovative, inspirational and that creates a connection between spirit, nature, humanity and soul. 

At Sun School Bali, sustainability is not just a value; it stands at the core of our educational philosophy. We believe that in order to nourish the minds, bodies, and spirits of our students, we must also nourish the environment in which they learn and grow.

Natural Materials

The construction process at our school is made up of only natural materials. We are building our entire school out of Earth Bag and Bamboo. By using locally-sourced, natural materials, we minimize the carbon footprint associated with traditional construction methods and stand in alignment with our commitment to harmony with the environment.

Nature, Our Ally

From small to big, all choices, actions and details at Sun School Bali are inspired by nature & her rhythms. We support the children to feel their true essence of connection to nature by teaching them practices such as permaculture and biodynamic gardening. Through plant allies, our students develop a sense of connection and symbiosis with the plants surrounding them, creating a harmonious relationship between humans and nature.

A Slow Growing School

We recognize the importance of creating a nurturing and supportive learning environment where students can develop at their own pace. By fostering a culture of mindfulness and self-reflection, we encourage our students to embrace the journey of education, allowing their knowledge and understanding to flourish gradually overtime.

Our School’s Surroundings a crucial role in fostering a connection with nature. Integrated into the local village and surrounded by trees and open spaces our campus provides an ideal environment for learning in harmony with both the local culture and the natural world. Our school is a living example of our commitment to preserving and integrating with our surroundings.