Ages 10-11 years old
Born between the dates:
By August 2024 your child needs to be 10 to enter class 5
Born between 1st July 2013 - 30 June 2014

In Class 5 at Sun School, we embark on a vibrant journey where language arts unfold as a captivating exploration. Immersed in a tapestry of human stories, myths, and fables from diverse cultures, this adventure sharpens our reading skills and nurtures a deep appreciation for storytelling as a universal form of expression. We transcend boundaries through narratives, connecting with cultures worldwide and enriching our understanding of the world.

Our grammatical skills shine, empowering us to articulate thoughts with eloquence. Exploring cursive handwriting and calligraphy adds an artistic dimension to our written expressions, emphasizing the inseparable bond between language and creative self-expression. Sun School's Language Arts in Class 5 is a radiant exploration of words, stories, and the boundless creativity within each student.


class 5 timetable sunschool bali

What does the day look like for Class 5

Morning Circle

The day commences with a morning circle. In this warm and welcoming circle, they are not only invited but also encouraged to share their feelings, thoughts, and experiences. This daily moment of connection fosters a sense of belonging, empathy, and emotional awareness, nurturing a supportive and harmonious atmosphere for the day ahead.

Language Arts

In Class 5 at Sun School, we embark on a vibrant journey where language arts unfold as a captivating exploration. Immersed in a tapestry of human stories, myths, and fables from diverse cultures, this adventure sharpens our reading skills and nurtures a deep appreciation for storytelling as a universal form of expression. We transcend boundaries through narratives, connecting with cultures worldwide and enriching our understanding of the world.

Our grammatical skills shine, empowering us to articulate thoughts with eloquence. Exploring cursive handwriting and calligraphy adds an artistic dimension to our written expressions, emphasizing the inseparable bond between language and creative self-expression. Sun School's Language Arts in Class Five is a radiant exploration of words, stories, and the boundless creativity within each student.


Indonesian Language studies may continue to deepen in Class 5, enabling students to engage in more complex conversations and written compositions. The exploration of a foreign language fosters linguistic proficiency and cross-cultural appreciation. Grammar, simple text, sentence structure and short descriptions are taught while leveraging multidisciplinary methods.


As we embark on the mathematical journey in Class 5, we delve deeper into a holistic exploration of geometry, decimals, percentages, fractions, mixed numbers, and the metric system. This year marks the introduction of algebraic concepts, providing students with a foundational understanding of this fundamental branch of mathematics.

Our approach extends beyond theoretical understanding, as practical applications of math are seamlessly integrated into the curriculum. This allows students to not only grasp mathematical concepts but also to explore how these foundations underpin the intricacies of the natural world.


Class 5 set forth on an exploration of physics, investigating the foundational principles that dictate motion, energy, and mechanics. Through engaging hands-on experiments and demonstrations, their understanding of the physical world deepens, sparking a sense of wonder and nurturing their natural curiosity.

History & Geography

Journeying through history, students are transported to the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. This exploration weaves through the rich tapestry of human history, connecting them with the earliest civilizations and laying the foundations of Western culture. In parallel, geography studies expand to encompass a broader scope, fostering global awareness. Students engage with the subject through various methods such as writing, note copying, reading, and immersive project work, creating a dynamic learning experience.


Within the context of the Literature and History block, students explore the realms of major and minor scales, and Greek music. This musical journey flourishes as students progress with musical instruments and the intricacies of musical theory.


In the realm of artistic exploration, Class 5 engages in a variety of enriching activities. Exploring complex form and geometric drawing, students immerse themselves in watercolor painting and clay work. The class also introduces woodworking, adding a tactile and hands-on dimension to their artistic endeavors. These projects not only provide opportunities for creative expression but also contribute to the practical development of valuable skills. The art class in Class 5 is a dynamic space where students can unleash their creativity, explore diverse mediums, and develop both artistic sensibilities and practical craftsmanship.


In Class 5, the curriculum offers a diverse range of activities promoting physical well-being. These include dance, capoeira, team sports, outdoor adventures, yoga and mindfulness, martial arts, and various outdoor activities.

These classes contribute to enhancing spatial awareness, sensory integration, and motor skills. The intentional design ensures a well-rounded education, promoting both intellectual growth and personal development. Outdoor adventures take center stage, providing opportunities for exploration, teamwork, and connecting with nature. Whether participating in team sports, learning martial arts techniques, or engaging in outdoor activities, students develop a strong foundation in physical literacy and life skills. The movement program in Class 5 fosters a love for physical activity that extends beyond the classroom into their everyday lives.

Yoga & Yoga Nidra

In Class 5 at Sun School Bali, as 10-11 year olds, we dive deeper into the world of Yoga and Yoga Nidra, exploring both physical and mental wellness. We embrace challenging but enjoyable yoga poses (āsanas) that help us strengthen our bodies and focus our minds. With Yoga Nidra, we learn a special practice of deep relaxation that helps us unwind and find peace, even during busy days. Through these practices, we develop better self-awareness, learn to manage stress, and grow more resilient both inside and out.

Outdoor Education

 As Class 5 deepens their connection to nature, they are actively preparing for an upcoming outdoor education program. Alongside traditional outdoor activities, gardening, and nature studies, students are acquiring essential skills for their adventure. Preparation includes learning survival skills and wilderness first aid, ensuring their readiness for unexpected situations. This immersive program not only enhances ecological consciousness and stewardship but also instills vital skills such as navigation, teamwork, and problem-solving.

Experiential Learning

Enriching field trips and experiential learning opportunities allow students to apply classroom knowledge to real-world settings, fostering a deeper understanding of their studies and encouraging a sense of curiosity and exploration.

In essence, the Class 5 experience at Sun School Bali is a comprehensive educational journey that goes beyond traditional academics. Its purpose is to ignite a passion for lifelong learning, fostering a deep appreciation for the interconnection of knowledge and the world. This stage acts as a bridge to ongoing academic and personal development, providing students with the essential tools to thrive as well-rounded individuals in a constantly evolving world.