Waldorf Inspired Education

Waldorf education was founded by Rudolf Steiner in Germany in 1919 as a response to the post-war imperative of rebuilding society in a more balanced, connected and harmonious way. Waldorf Education places a strong emphasis on fostering the imagination and creativity of students to meet their developmental needs. The daily life of our classrooms integrates qualitative assessments of student work, with minimal reliance on quantitative testing.

Waldorf education aims to: 

  • Awaken and preserve the child’s innate sense of wonder, awe and reverence for life.

  • Restore vitality to childhood by infusing the learning process with love and enthusiasm

  • Cultivate the child’s capacity for clear thinking.

In our Waldorf-inspired primary school, our core approach revolves around the artistic presentation of material by the class teacher. This method not only encourages engagement but also inspires deep learning and supports the development of young imaginations.

The values that form the foundation of our education include emotional intelligence, compassion, gratitude, responsibility, agency, collaboration, inclusivity, empowerment, diversity, and initiative. These values are accessed by nurturing the child's imagination, connecting to the natural world, and adopting a kinesthetic approach to learning and relating to all aspects of being alive. Sourced from spirituality, these values foster self-worth, enhance relationships, and cultivate a profound appreciation for our place in the world. 

Our Waldorf-inspired school with a nature-based approach integrates outdoor learning experiences seamlessly into the curriculum. We believe that nature serves as a powerful teacher, fostering a deep appreciation for the environment and instilling a sense of responsibility towards the Earth.

In our classrooms, you'll find a rich blend of artistic expression, hands-on activities, and academic rigor, all designed to engage and inspire young minds. The curriculum is carefully crafted to align with each developmental stage, ensuring a balanced and comprehensive educational journey from early childhood through to adolescence.

We celebrate the uniqueness of each child, fostering a love for learning that goes beyond textbooks. We believe that creating a strong connection with the desire to learn outweighs the benefits gained from standard approaches to learning via tests and pressure on content which ends up being less about learning and more about memory skills which is what we are trying to avoid. We believe if children are educated properly about learning, whatever the topic is, they are able to excel. Our commitment to a nature-based approach ensures that children not only thrive academically but also develop a profound sense of connection with the natural world, fostering a lifelong love for both learning and the environment.

Choosing to be Waldorf-inspired rather than opening a fully Waldorf school stems from a desire to blend the profound principles of Waldorf Education with flexibility and adaptability adjusting to the current times. While we deeply appreciate the core philosophy and methodologies of Waldorf Education, adopting an inspired approach allows for a personalized integration of educational values and practices.

Being Waldorf-inspired grants the freedom to incorporate innovative elements, cater to specific community needs, and embrace evolving educational breakthroughs, while staying true to the fundamental principles of holistic development, artistic expression, and a strong connection with nature. This approach allows for a more dynamic and responsive educational environment, tailored to the unique characteristics and aspirations of the local community.

In essence, by being Waldorf-inspired, we aim to honor the essence of Waldorf Education while embracing the creative freedom to shape an educational experience that resonates with the diverse needs and visions of the students, families, and community involved. This adaptive approach ensures a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation  providing a nurturing and enriching educational journey.

Explore our outline of the curriculum here.

What is waldorf education

Developmentally Aligned Curriculum Waldorf education follows a curriculum tailored to the developmental stages of children,
focusing on age-appropriate content and activities.
Arts Integration Strong emphasis on artistic expression through activities like drawing, painting, music,
and movement to enhance creative thinking and imagination.
Emphasis on Play and Outdoor Activities Recognition of the importance of play and outdoor activities for the healthy development
of children, fostering a connection to nature.
Balanced Academic Subjects A comprehensive curriculum that includes a balance of academic subjects, arts,
and practical skills, providing a well-rounded education.
No Early Formal Academics Delayed introduction of formal academics, allowing children to engage in imaginative play
and experiential learning during the early years.
Focus on Social Skills and Collaboration Emphasis on developing social skills, empathy, and collaboration through group activities
and cooperative learning.
Limited Use of Technology Limited use of technology in the early years, promoting hands-on experiences and direct
interactions with the environment.
Parental Involvement Opportunities for parents to be actively involved in the education process, fostering a sense
of community within the school.
Cultural Diversity Efforts to incorporate cultural diversity into the curriculum, fostering an appreciation for
different perspectives and backgrounds.
Encouragement of Imagination Nurturing the child's imagination through storytelling, fairy tales, and creative play to develop
a love for learning.
Focus on Healthy Rhythms Recognition of the importance of daily and seasonal rhythms in a child's life, providing a
sense of stability and predictability.
Progressive Education Philosophy Incorporation of a progressive education philosophy that adapts to the changing needs
of the child at each stage of development.

Sun School's Additional Educational Offerings

Emotional Intelligence Elevating Minds, Inspiring Hearts:
At Sun School, we prioritize emotional intelligence as a fundamental pillar of our
educational philosophy. Through our innovative Emotional Intelligence Program,
we empower students to express, understand, and navigate their emotions,
fostering resilience, empathy, and harmonious connections.
Our commitment to emotional well-being ensures that each child not only excels
academically but also flourishes emotionally, laying the foundation for a lifetime
of enriched relationships and personal growth.
Emotional Expression and Regulation Sun School recognizes the importance of allowing students to express their
emotions in a healthy and constructive manner. Through various activities and
discussions, students are encouraged to articulate and understand their feelings,
fostering emotional expression and regulation.
Daily Morning Gathering Ritual The unique daily morning gathering at Sun School serves as a platform for
children to express their emotions and thoughts in a supportive environment.
This ritual cultivates a sense of unity, empathy, and emotional mindfulness,
setting a positive tone for the day ahead.
Cultivation of Unity and Harmony The emphasis on emotional intelligence extends to creating a harmonious
ambiance within the school. Through daily rituals and activities, students learn
the value of unity, empathy, and emotional harmony, contributing to a supportive
and positive school culture.
Progressive Science Curriculum Sun School's Science program intertwines with plants and nature, creating
captivating lessons that transcend conventional teachings. This immersive
approach ensures that students not only grasp scientific intricacies but also
develop a profound admiration for the wonders of the natural world.
Focus on Indonesian Language Sun School uniquely incorporates a focus on Indonesian language studies,
providing students with a deeper understanding of the local language and culture.
Inclusion of Balinese Culture Sun School uniquely integrates Balinese culture into its curriculum, offering
language studies, indigenous stories, and connections to the lives and
experiences of the local community. This cultural immersion provides a
global perspective while embracing the rich heritage of Bali.
Specialized Language Arts Program Sun School's Language Arts program stands out with a focus on emotional
expression, unity, and mindfulness through a daily morning gathering.
This unique approach fosters a supportive and harmonious ambiance,
setting the tone for the day ahead.
Outdoor Education Program Our Outdoor Education program is a cornerstone of the Sun School experience.
Through enriching field trips, hands-on experiences, and a curriculum centered
on nature connection, students actively engage with the environment, cultivating
a deep appreciation for the outdoors.
Nature-Based Learning Nature is not just a backdrop but an integral part of our curriculum. Sun School's
commitment to nature-based learning extends to gardening, outdoor activities,
and nature studies, fostering ecological consciousness and environmental stewardship.

All the elements that are mentioned above, Waldorf principles and our additions, are what Sun School Bali offer. Giving the child, in our holistic opinion, the best possible form of education.

“The heart of the Waldorf method is the conviction that education is an art – it must speak to the child’s experience. To educate the whole child, the heart and the will must be reached as well as the mind.” 

– Rudolf Steiner