Ages 8-9 years old
Born between the dates:
By August 2024 your child needs to be 8 to enter class 3
Born between 1st July 2015 - 30 June 2016

For our Class 3 students, our program is thoughtfully designed to provide a deep and meaningful exploration of language arts and mathematics, complemented by a well-rounded curriculum. We support them on a journey of exploration and discovery, fostering both academic growth and personal development through a nurturing approach.

The day commences with a morning circle, where children are welcomed to express their emotions and feelings. This daily ritual of connection cultivates feelings of belonging, encourages empathy, and heightens emotional awareness, all of which contribute to nurturing a supportive and harmonious atmosphere that sets the tone for the day ahead.

In our structured and secure setting, third-grade students have the opportunity to learn from their teachers and teach one another. Each day follows a consistent rhythm, offering a sense of stability that supports their intellectual growth and development. Recognizing that children at this age learn best through focused instruction, we prioritize academic subjects while maintaining a balanced and holistic approach to learning.


class 3 timetable sunschool bali

What does the day look like for Class 3

Sun School Class 3 presents a diverse curriculum encompassing multiple subjects and employing interdisciplinary teaching techniques to enrich your child's educational journey:

Morning Circle

Our day begins with a morning circle, fostering unity, empathy, and emotional mindfulness. 

Language Arts

Class 3 is a pivotal year for language arts development. We delve deeply into sentence structure, word types, punctuation, and spelling. Through multidisciplinary methods, we make language arts engaging and meaningful. Additionally, mythology stories and lessons from ancient history are woven into our curriculum to provide context and depth to language arts studies.


In the realm of language learning, class 3 students build upon their prior knowledge to further develop their Indonesian language. They expand their vocabulary and language proficiency, with a particular emphasis on nouns and verbs. Through the engaging use of storytelling and imitation, employing multidisciplinary teaching methods, we create a delightful and effective language learning experience.


In Class 3, mathematics takes center stage. Students master multiplication tables, measurement, explore time and patterns. They become proficient in carrying and borrowing through focused instruction and multidisciplinary activities. This approach reinforces these mathematical concepts, providing a hands-on application of their knowledge.


In Class 3, our science curriculum unfolds as a dynamic blend of theoretical knowledge seamlessly intertwines with hands-on, practical experiments. Students not only explore scientific concepts in theory but also engage in captivating experiments that bring these ideas to life. This approach ensures a well-rounded understanding of scientific principles, as students actively participate in experiments that enhance their learning experience and foster a curiosity for the wonders of the natural world.

History & Geography

History and geography studies in class three become more intricate as students dive into ancient history and Middle Eastern geography. These subjects are brought to life through Ancient civilizations, providing a rich context for understanding historical and geographical concepts. Additionally, a small-scale house building project introduces students to early cultural housing from different geographic regions in a meaningful way.


In Class 3, the musical journey deepens as students explore the art of songwriting and delve into the fundamentals of music notation. Musical selections in group vocal arrangements continue to mirror themes from language arts and history, establishing a strong thematic connection between subjects.


Artistic exploration flourishes in Class 3, with a focus on creative expression. Students engage in ongoing form drawing and watercolor painting, exploring the vibrant world of natural dyes for their artwork. The introduction of natural dyes not only enhances the richness of colors but also deepens their connection to the environment. This eco-friendly approach offers students a delightful avenue for self-expression while fostering a deeper appreciation for the beauty of the natural world.


In our Movement classes, we cultivate a dynamic and immersive environment for Class 3 students to delve into the realms of physical activity, coordination, and self-expression. These classes are intentionally crafted not only to ensure the students remain active and healthy but also to foster crucial skills such as teamwork, creativity, and body awareness. The diverse range of classes encompasses Dance, Capoeira, Team Sports, Outdoor Adventures, Yoga and Mindfulness, Obstacle Courses, Circus Skills, Martial Arts, and Outdoor Activities. Our movement program enhances spatial awareness, sensory integration, and other motor skills, ensuring that each child receives a well-rounded education that fosters intellectual growth and personal development.

Yoga & Yoga Nidra

At Sun School Bali, as 8-9 year olds, we understand the importance of taking care of both our minds and bodies. That's why we continue our journey with Yoga and Yoga Nidra, building on what we learned in previous years. We explore how different movements and postures, called āsanas, help us train our minds to be strong, resilient, and calm. It's not just about how the poses look, but how they make us feel inside. We deepen our understanding on how to move our bodies in space and how to relax, all still keeping that element of fun and inviting this idea of  the whole rounded elements that it requires to stay healthy.

In Class 3 at Sun School, we provide a rich and balanced learning experience that nurtures the heart and mind of every student. Our approach prioritizes the holistic growth of your child—intellectually, creatively, physically, and emotionally. From the vibrant exploration of nature-inspired arts to dynamic movement classes promoting physical well-being and teamwork, our curriculum is intentionally designed to foster creativity, emotional intelligence, and a profound connection with the natural world. Engaging subjects like Science, Mathematics, and Language Arts contribute to our commitment to cultivating a holistic education that encourages intellectual growth and personal development.

Welcome to an educational adventure where your child's curiosity is ignited, artistic expression is encouraged, and a deep appreciation for the world is instilled, transcending traditional boundaries and shaping confident, creative individuals prepared for the future.