Emotional Intelligence Guidelines

This is a Sun School Bali guide for staff as a way of conduct at our school. These are points we work and live by at children of the sun school and are constantly updating and speaking to in our staff meetings and parent meetings to refine, improve and evolve. 

Emotional Check-Ins: Regular check-ins or circle times where children can express their feelings, share experiences, and receive support from peers and teachers.

Creative Visualization and Imagination Exercises: Guided visualization or imagination exercises to help children explore their emotions and aspirations in a creative and safe space.

Mindful Listening: Teaching active listening skills to help children understand and respond empathetically to others' emotions and perspectives.

Emotion Recognition: Teaching children to recognize and understand their emotions, as well as those of others, through activities like role-playing, storytelling, and discussions.

Empathy Building: Encouraging empathy by exposing children to diverse perspectives, promoting kindness, and engaging in activities that emphasize understanding others' feelings.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Programs: Incorporating structured SEL programs designed to teach skills like self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, and relationship skills.

Play-Based Learning: Using play and games as a tool to teach emotional regulation, conflict resolution, and social skills in a fun and engaging manner.

Self-Awareness: Helping children become aware of their own thoughts, feelings, strengths, and weaknesses through mindfulness exercises, journaling, and self-reflection activities.

Emotion Regulation: Teaching techniques to manage and regulate emotions, such as breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, and relaxation techniques.

Social Skills Development: Facilitating teamwork, communication, conflict resolution, and cooperation through group activities, collaborative projects, and peer interaction.

Relationship Building: Fostering positive relationships by teaching children about healthy boundaries, respect, active listening, and effective communication.

Problem-Solving: Encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills by presenting real-life scenarios or challenges that require emotional understanding and resolution.

Cultural and Diversity Awareness: Promoting understanding and appreciation for different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives to enhance tolerance and reduce prejudice.

Mindfulness Practices: Incorporating mindfulness activities such as guided meditation, mindful eating, and mindful movement to enhance focus, attention, and self-regulation.

Conflict Resolution: Teaching strategies for peacefully resolving conflicts, including negotiation, compromise, and understanding different viewpoints.

Emotional Expression: Providing various avenues for creative expression, like art, music, drama, or writing, enabling children to express and process their emotions in a safe environment.

Mindful Movement Practices: Integrating mindful movement activities like tai chi, qigong, or specific yoga sequences designed for children to promote emotional balance and self-awareness.

Leadership and Collaboration: Encouraging leadership qualities while emphasizing the importance of collaboration, teamwork, and supporting others.

Nature Connection: Encouraging outdoor activities and nature-based experiences to promote mindfulness, connection to the environment, and a sense of peace and well-being.

Service Learning: Engaging in community service projects or volunteer work to instill empathy, compassion, and a sense of responsibility towards others.

Art of Listening Workshops: Providing workshops that focus on deep listening skills, encouraging children to listen actively and empathetically to others' perspectives.

Emotionally Safe Environment: Creating a safe and nurturing atmosphere where children feel comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgment or criticism.

Conflict Management Workshops: Organizing workshops or sessions specifically focused on conflict resolution, teaching strategies to handle disagreements constructively.

Gratitude Practices: Cultivating gratitude through daily exercises or practices to encourage a positive mindset and appreciation for what they have.

Mind-Body Connection: Introducing practices that highlight the connection between physical and emotional well-being, such as teaching about the effects of exercise, nutrition, and sleep on emotions.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): Incorporating MBSR techniques tailored for children, helping them manage stress, anxiety, and emotions effectively.

Storytelling and Emotional Themes: Using stories, literature, or movies that emphasize emotional themes to help children relate and understand complex emotions.

Conflict Transformation Workshops: Going beyond conflict resolution by teaching skills to transform conflicts into learning experiences and opportunities for growth.

Restorative Practices: Implementing restorative circles or practices that focus on repairing harm, building relationships, and fostering empathy after conflicts or misunderstandings.

Reflective Journaling: Encouraging children to keep journals to reflect on their emotions, experiences, and growth, promoting self-awareness and self-expression.

Cognitive Behavioral Techniques (CBT): Introducing simplified CBT methods tailored to children to help reframe negative thoughts and manage emotions effectively.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC): Introducing the principles of NVC to help children express themselves honestly while fostering understanding and empathy in their interactions.

Counseling or Guidance Sessions: Providing access to counselors or mentors who can offer guidance, support, and strategies for managing emotions and challenges.

Emotion-Focused Therapy Techniques: Implementing techniques from emotion-focused therapy to help children understand and express their emotions in a healthy way.

Trauma-Informed Approaches: Training staff to recognize and address trauma-related behaviors and create a safe environment that supports healing and emotional well-being.

Peer Mentoring Programs: Supportive programs where older students mentor younger ones, fostering empathy, leadership skills, and a sense of responsibility among students.

Emotional Intelligence Assessments: Using age-appropriate assessments or tools to help children understand and reflect on their emotional strengths and areas for growth.

Mindful Communication Practices: Teaching techniques like "I" statements and mindful speaking to encourage clear, compassionate, and non-confrontational communication.

Conflict Mediation Training: Providing training for selected students to act as peer mediators, facilitating resolution in conflicts between their peers.

Music and Rhythm Therapy: Using music and rhythm to help children express and regulate their emotions, promoting relaxation and emotional release.

Collaborative Decision-Making: Encouraging children to participate in decision-making processes within the school community, fostering a sense of belonging and responsibility.

Mindfulness Games and Activities: Incorporating playful activities like mindful coloring, sensory exploration, or mindful movement games to cultivate focus and self-awareness.

Positive Affirmations and Mantras: Introducing affirmations and positive self-talk techniques to promote self-esteem, confidence, and a healthy self-concept.

Values Exploration: Encouraging discussions and activities that help children identify their personal values, promoting a sense of purpose and ethical decision-making.

Family Involvement: Involving families in workshops or events that focus on emotional intelligence, allowing parents and guardians to support their children's emotional growth at home.

Expressive Arts Therapy: Engaging in therapeutic activities involving art, music, drama, or dance to facilitate emotional expression, stress relief, and self-discovery.

Self-Care Practices: Teaching children age-appropriate self-care techniques such as taking breaks, practicing gratitude, or engaging in hobbies to manage stress and nurture well-being.

Neuroscience Education: Simplified lessons about brain functions and emotions, helping children understand the science behind their feelings and reactions.

Character Education: Integrating lessons and activities that focus on building character traits like honesty, integrity, compassion, and resilience.

Multi-sensory Learning: Providing varied sensory experiences that cater to different learning styles, reinforcing emotional learning through diverse mediums.

Community Circles: Holding regular gatherings where students and educators share experiences, express gratitude, or discuss challenges, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

Emotional Literacy Programs: Implementing structured programs that teach children about emotions, their triggers, and appropriate responses to different feelings.

Life Skills Workshops: Offering workshops that teach practical life skills like time management, decision-making, and coping strategies to navigate everyday challenges.

Journal Prompts and Reflections: Providing thought-provoking prompts or themes for journaling and reflection, encouraging deeper exploration of emotions and experiences.

Mindful Eating Practices: Introducing mindful eating exercises or nutrition education to connect emotions with food choices and promote a healthy relationship with eating.

Rest Time or Relaxation Sessions: Allowing dedicated periods during the day for relaxation, quiet reflection, or rest to recharge and manage stress.

Emotional Resilience Building: Introducing activities that focus on bouncing back from setbacks, managing stress, and developing perseverance in the face of challenges.

Peer Support Groups: Facilitating small groups where children can share experiences, support each other, and learn from shared struggles in a safe and confidential space.

Mindful Breathing Exercises: Teaching various breathing techniques to help children calm their minds, reduce anxiety, and regulate emotions.

Social Justice Education: Incorporating discussions and activities about social issues to promote empathy, tolerance, and a sense of responsibility towards social causes.

Conflict Resolution Storybooks: Using age-appropriate literature that highlights stories about resolving conflicts, emphasizing empathy and understanding.

Random Acts of Kindness Initiatives: Encouraging children to perform acts of kindness toward peers, teachers, or the community, fostering a culture of compassion and generosity.

Mindful Movement in Nature: Taking mindfulness practices outdoors, combining movement activities like walking meditation or nature-based mindfulness exercises.

Mindful Technology Use: Teaching responsible and mindful use of technology at home, emphasizing digital etiquette and the importance of balance between screen time and other activities.

Cognitive Flexibility Activities: Engaging in puzzles, riddles, or games that require flexible thinking and problem-solving, encouraging adaptability in various situations.

Social-Emotional Check-Ins: Conducting regular check-ins where children rate their emotional state using drawings, paintings, to promoting self-awareness and reflection.

Laughter Workshops: Incorporating humor-based activities or sessions to encourage laughter, boost mood, and release stress.

Mindful Movement Integration into Learning: Infusing movement into academic lessons, using techniques like brain breaks, dance, or stretching to enhance focus and emotional regulation.

Gratitude Circles: Organizing sessions where students share things they are grateful for, fostering a positive and appreciative mindset.

Social-Emotional Learning Through Literature: Using books and stories that address emotional themes or moral dilemmas, stimulating discussions on empathy and ethical decision-making.

Community Building Projects: Engaging in collaborative initiatives within the school or local community to instill a sense of responsibility, teamwork, and social connection.

Mindful Movement and Dance Therapy: Using movement and dance as a form of expression and emotional release, promoting self-awareness and emotional regulation.

Self-Compassion Practices: Introducing activities that teach children to be kinder to themselves, emphasizing self-compassion in dealing with setbacks or challenges.

Multicultural Celebrations: Organizing events or activities that celebrate various cultures, fostering respect, understanding, and appreciation for diversity.

Journaling for Emotional Exploration: Providing prompts that encourage children to explore and articulate their emotions through writing, promoting introspection and self-expression.

Mindful Technology Use Discussions: Holding discussions about the impact of technology on emotions, relationships, and mental health to promote mindful and responsible usage.

Conflict Resolution through Storytelling: Encouraging children to create and share stories where characters resolve conflicts peacefully, reinforcing positive conflict resolution strategies.

Animal-Assisted Therapy: Introducing interactions with therapy animals to promote emotional regulation, empathy, and a sense of connection. (Animal farm at new school, bunnies, cows, goats, chickens. Current school - cats, dogs, chickens)

Mindful Walking: Practicing mindful walking or nature walks, encouraging children to observe their surroundings and connect with nature while fostering calmness and presence.

Community Service Learning Journals: Having students keep journals reflecting on their experiences and emotions during community service activities, promoting empathy and civic engagement.

Music Therapy and Emotional Expression: Using music as a medium for emotional expression, allowing children to create or listen to music to explore and convey their feelings.

Compassion Meditation Practices: Introducing meditation techniques focused on generating feelings of compassion and empathy towards oneself and others.

Mindful Time-Outs: Providing designated spaces where children can take short breaks for self-regulation and emotional reflection when feeling overwhelmed.

Mindful Sleep Practices: Teaching relaxation techniques or bedtime routines that promote quality sleep and emotional well-being.

Story Circles for Emotional Sharing: Facilitating circles where children can share personal stories or experiences related to emotions, fostering empathy and understanding.

Nature-Based Reflection Sessions: Holding sessions in natural settings where children can reflect on their emotions and experiences, fostering a connection with the environment.

Mindful Art Appreciation: Engaging in discussions and activities that encourage children to observe, interpret, and express emotions through art.

Fundraising Projects: Organize fundraising events or campaigns within the school community to raise money for selected foundations or charitable causes. Encourage children to actively participate and contribute ideas.

Community Engagement: Facilitate opportunities for children to engage directly with the community or charitable organizations. This could involve volunteering, participating in community service projects, or visiting foundations to understand their work firsthand.

Project-Based Learning: Integrate giving into academic projects. For instance, students could research and create presentations about various foundations or develop proposals for fundraising events.