A warm welcome to Sun School Bali

“Sun School Bali nurtures the growth of creative, warm-hearted, resilient and courageous individuals who are able to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world through love in action.”

Jamie Bade - Founder of Sun School Bali

Our Vision

We are an inspiring, innovative model of education that supports a global shift in the perception of education – an integrative and cultural approach of learning that puts emotional intelligence at the forefront, embraces the wholeness of being human, to create the change makers of tomorrow.

Building Sun School Bali

Children of the Sun School in Ubud is taking a new shape to becoming ‘Sun School Bali’ in Kaba-Kaba. Follow along our journey to a dream of sustainability, wall-less classrooms and playful, holistic education finally come true.

Our Core Values

Emotional Intelligence

Breaking with the normative perception of academia through focusing on emotional intelligence and consideration and acknowledgment of the emotional world of each individual child.

Holistic Education

A individualized, child-centered approach to learning that considers the child as a whole being and emphasizes the development of imagination, creativity, and critical thinking skills and application of the same.


...as the core of our educational philosophy that goes beyond simply reducing our ecological impact. Our school is build from materials of the Earth. We further integrate sustainability practices into the school's operations and curriculum.

Inclusivity & Diversity

Everybody belongs. We embrace diversity and accept children and their families regardless of race, education, belief system, gender, nationality, or any other orientation.


We live in integrity with our values and lead the school from the truth of our hearts. We show up with all that we have to offer and encourage our students and teaching team to do the same.

Integration of Culture + Land

We hold deep respect for the land, culture and rituals of the land we live in. Bali’s philosophy of Tri Hita Karana inspires & informs every of our choices and actions. We pay our respect by integrating common cultural rituals and communication into our daily life.


We stand & believe in the power + care of community. We hold the vision of creating a community of change-makers that stands in for a better tomorrow – together as one. Our community is united by a shared passion for creating a brighter future, and collectively works towards nurturing every child's individuality, building a sense of belonging, instilling values of compassion, empathy, and respect.


We believe that conformity hinders growth and that it is our individuality + uniqueness that brings vibrancy to our community. Individuality enriches our community, allowing for diverse perspectives and ways of seeing. We nurture children into becoming their own unique expression.


Passion as a the force that emanates from within & breathes life into every aspect of the school and earth. It is the essence that fuels the very spirit of our school, creating purpose and presence, inspiring a way of self-advocacy and offering that to the world as a form of activism.

Passion, guided by our Earth and nature, is a language that bridges the gap between generations.

Bali School - Sun School Bali - Kaba Kaba, Seseh, Ubud, Canggu - Waldorf inspired Education - bamboo school building - rice fields and palm trees

Our Learning Programme

We believe in the innate wisdom of a child and its wholeness. With our living curriculum we educate for change, agency, empowerment, imagination and compassion for a kind and hopeful tomorrow and to thrive in an ever evolving world.

Bali School - Sun School Bali - Kaba Kaba, Seseh, Ubud, Canggu - Waldorf inspired education - Founder Jamie Bade

Career Opportunities

Be part of our next generation of change and join a community of passionate learners and educators to nurture and support our children, the leaders of tomorrow.

Begin your learning journey with us today!